THE ART OF CONFIDENT COACHING: 60 + Bombshell Tools & Tips to Better Your Practice

Part Two: We Are Our Own Saboteurs


So, I want to share with you how I went from a scared, needy, desperate, depressed feeling state to one of hope, happiness and peace in a matter of just a few hours with nothing changing externally except my thoughts.


First, I very consciously decided that I didn’t want to feel bad anymore.   How did I do this?  I sat on the sofa very quietly and without judgment, I simply noticed how sad I was feeling.  I also became aware of my compulsion to call my friends and tell them just how crappy I felt.  They should know how bad it’s been for me.    I knew I could get my best friend, my mother and my sister to jump right into my story with me, and, maybe, if I was lucky, they would tell me there’s….  I fantasized how the conversation would go, how I would feel and what the results would be….I knew I would feel no better than how crappy I felt now and nothing would change except the ticking of the clock.  I would waste a whole lot of time telling my story,and  further cement my thoughts by garnering others to feel sorry for me.  This was all starting to sound very manipulative.  I would rather have someone challenge me, and to lead my out of my sad story, but who?  It was Sunday and I certainly couldn’t call my coaching buddies on their day off.   It must be me, I decided.  So, I hauled out my new self coaching model and put me and myself to work.   


What do I want to feel?  Peaceful, hopeful and outrageously happy & inspired


What thought would I need to have to feel this way?   We will not lose everything


How would I behave if I had this thought?  I would write articles, market my business more aggressively and sign up for an art class


What would the results be if I took these actions?  Articles published (this happened the next week!), more business (I signed a new client the next day) and my art class starts January.


Remember in the part one how I said that the results are always evidence that the thought is true.  Well, the same concept is also applied with a better feeling thought.  If my articles get published;  If I increase my profits by signing more clients;  and If I continue to expand the right side of my brain, it would be impossible to lose everything.


This exercise so inspired me that I decided to compile a list of more thoughts that I wanted to believe. Here are a few: 


I will gain something way bigger regardless of what happens.

Creating something for myself is in alignment with my essential self

The universe is telling me to be bigger than I am

 Everything I need, I have

I don’t have to work harder, I just have to trust what I know



This I know is true. 

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