What if I told you that you just won the lottery? I bet most of you would think that a majority if not all of your problems would be solved. Would you feel more secure? Would you quit your job? Experience more freedom? Stop worrying so much? Have more peace? Lighten up a little? Be more creative? Many of you are probably nodding your head yes right now.
According to Abraham, a group of spiritual teachers who dialogue with Esther Hicks (an author and expert in the theory of Law of Attraction) in order to have the feelings that you associate with winning the lottery, you actually have to feel those feelings first and the abundance will follow. Alignment first. Winning the lottery second. Being in alignment simply means that our thinking and our desires need to match up in order to attract the results we want in our life. In other words, if you have any doubts about the desire coming to fruition then you will continue to create what you don’t want because you don’t fully believe that what you do want can happen. When you focus on your doubts around creating the results you want in your life, you send out negative energy. The universe responds by giving you more of what you don’t want. Conversely, when your thoughts and desires are aligned, you create what are called positive vibrations and are more likely to manifest what you do want.
Here’s a great example. When I lived in San Francisco almost 25 years ago, it was excruciatingly challenging to find a parking spot anywhere in the City. It’s true. If you’ve ever been there you would know this is a fact. I got so many parking tickets one year, that I had to go to court to ask the Judge for a payment schedule because I couldn’t afford to pay them all at once. One day, I decided that instead of thinking “I’ll never find a parking space” which is a very common belief held amongst most Bay Area residents, I thought “I’m going to find the best spot ever” and hot damn if it didn’t work. In the early 80’s no one ever heard of the Law of Attraction but I was using and applying its basic principles without even knowing it.
So, the next day, I did exactly the same thing but this time before I got to my destination, I hauled out the same thought “I’m going to find a great spot on this street”. Soon, my mantra became “put out the parking karma”. Each time I drove around looking for parking, I reiterated the mantra as though it were a fact. It was similar to announcing to a friend that I was going to the bathroom. No stress. No tension. I felt completely relaxed around it. According to Abraham, I was creating the feeling that I imagined I would experience if I got a great parking spot before I actually found the spot. Feeling relaxed allowed me to find and see spaces I would not normally had seen if I had been feeling any sort of anxiety around not finding that parking space. Alignment first. Parking spot second.
Try this in your own life. My new mantra is “Money comes to me in amazing and unexpected ways”. The first day I repeated this mantra, my girlfriend offered to buy me lunch after coaching her for a few minutes. The next day I found a $5 dollar bill on the street. Just yesterday I wanted to buy a pair of shoes that were a little outside my price range and the salesperson offered me a discount.
What do you want more of in your life?
For more details on how this theory works and how to apply it to your own life, click on Esther Hick’s Winning the Lottery You Tube link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SbHBrURh3Y and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zNkpokPIhk